Cellulite and Healthy Skin: The Impact of Your Diet


Summer’s here and so is your cellulite! Is it time to go on panic mode?


There’s still some silver lining out there. You just need to find it, the way I did.

While this skin abnormality is not a serious problem, it was starting to affect the way I see myself.

I know that if I choose not to act then, it would severely impact my mental health and later on my overall condition.


Hormones, genetics, and lifestyle can all play apart in causing cellulite


What is Cellulite?

This skin issue is not a serious medical condition. But it can do a significant blow on how you perceive your body.

It is defined by lumpy, dimple flesh commonly found in the hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Women might look like the only ones affected by this skin condition, but there is also a sizable number of men who developed this skin depression.

Its development can be driven by the different distribution of fat, muscle, and connective tissue.
In 2009, scientists released a severity scale ranking the condition in three stages:

  • Mild – this stage shows itself with an orange-peel-like skin that comes with about 1 and 4 superficial depression and sagging skin appearance.
  • Moderate – A five to nine medium depression in the skin is how this stage presents itself. It is at the moderate stage of the development that the “cottage cheese” appearance starts to manifest and the skin looks moderately draped.
  • Severe – this is the most serious appearance of this medical condition. You can finally see a so-called “mattress” appearance at this stage. It comes with 10 or more depressions and a skin that is severely draped.


What Causes Cellulite?

This depressed skin fold developed is caused by several factors. There are various reasons that drives its appearance in your skin.

Some of them due to the environment, some are dictated by your food choices and others are due to our genes.

Researchers revealed in recent studies that the following the most common contributing factors to its formation:


Numerous studies have linked hormones and the development of this condition.

Women are mostly affected by its appearance due to the higher production of several hormones in their bodies.

Estrogen, thyroid, insulin, prolactin, and noradrenaline are some culprit behind the higher number of women affected by this skin condition.

The decreased production of the above-mentioned hormones is also what’s causing the bigger number of older women with this skin condition.

This group of women has a higher risk of developing the condition as they tend to produce fewer hormones called estrogen.

This hormone is responsible for smooth blood flow and is instrumental in new collagen production and the breakdown of old connective tissues.

Men, too, do have a fair share of this skin issue.

But they are not as evident compared to that of women. The higher level of testosterone production in males is the reason.

This hormone helps men achieve more dense layers of protein-rich connective tissues in their skin.

Testosterone and this mechanism also allow men to have a lower risk of developing this lumpy, depressed skin issue.


Your parents, grandpops, and nanas might also be behind the growing number of this medical problem in your body.

Physicians explained that its development can also be caused by genes.

Studies revealed that distribution of fat, metabolism, blood circulation and ethnicity are some genetic factors that significantly contribute to its development.

A recent genetic test released in the market also contained a way for it to determine whether an individual is at risk for developing moderate to severe variety of this skin abnormality.

However, it was also proven that genetics is only one part of the factors that contribute to its development.

Diet, weight and physical activity still are important factors to getting rid of its eventual appearance.


There are many ways to treat cellulite



Like every other health issue, the quality of food you take and whether you lead a sedentary or active lifestyle contributes to its formation.

Additionally, smokers are also at greater risk of developing this condition.

Women who wear underwear with elastic on their bottom can also develop this medical condition.

It is because the elastic on the underwear can affect the flow of the blood, thus contributing to the development of this skin issue.

Smoking also contributes to the development of this condition.

Studies revealed that cigarette smoke reduces the flow of blood and weaken collagen production.

Thus, the greater the risk of developing cellulite.

In terms of diet, people, especially women, who consume more carbohydrates, fat, and salt are more inclined to develop the condition.

Physicians and fitness experts recommend pursuing or maintaining a healthy lifestyle to avoid this skin issue.

They advise people to consume a more plant-based diet to get rid of the inflammation throughout the body.

They also highlight the importance of keeping the body hydrated at all times.

The following are some recommended foods to include in your diet:

  • Tomatoes
  • Avocado
  • Grapefruit
  • Cucumbers
  • Dark berries
  • Bell peppers
  • Radishes
  • Dark chocolates


Also, spices were proven to help in avoiding this skin problem. It is recommended to go with simple flavor spices rather than those with bold ones.

The latter has the ability to make you overeat by increasing the production of hunger-inducing hormones.
The chilli powder is the most recommended as it contains capsaicin, a compound that helps you consume less food.

These are the other most recommended spices for avoiding this skin problem:

  • Saffron
  • Crushed red pepper
  • Paprika
  • Cumin
  • Coriander
  • Tumeric



Ways to Prevent Cellulite

You might see yourself at greater risk of developing this condition after reading those above, but that’s not the end of the world.

There are various ways to prevent the development of this condition.

However, I believe that all those recommendations can be done all at the same time to ensure that you will not develop this medical condition.

The following are some of my steps to prevent it:

Adopt a Healthy Diet

Luckily for you, being healthy is a trend that more and more people are getting behind.

More people are embracing a healthier eating habit, as well as practices that allow them to take more care of their health.

This means letting go of certain foods like:

  • Deep-fried foods
  • Sodas
  • Sweets
  • Those that are high in cholesterol
  • Sugary pastry


Proper Skin Care

Skin care also helps in getting rid of the possibility of developing this condition.

That means taking extra time to pamper the body’s biggest organ with much needed TLC.

But what is proper skin care for avoiding such formation?

One of the most recommended is that you use a loofah sponge or skin brush when giving yourself a bath.

This manner of taking a bath ensures that you scrape off dead skin and those that can contribute to the formation of this skin condition.

It is also a nice way to stimulate the body’s lymph nodes to encourage an increased and smooth flow of blood.

It is best done in a circular motion and gently rather than the usual scrubbing to prevent irritation and reddening the skin.

Adopt an active lifestyle

Being physically fit is perhaps the best way to maintain the integrity of your skin.

Toning your muscle will significantly help in reducing the chances of your developing this condition.

Cardiovascular exercises are the most recommended by the American Council of Exercise.

It is due to the fact that this kind of physical activity targets most of the muscle underneath the skin.

They advised that it be combined with resistance training workouts as well as strength training.

Greater muscle mass and lesser body fat make it less likely for you to develop depressed skin folds.

The following are some of the best exercises for preventing the appearance of depressed skin folds:

  • Hamstring curl using a stability ball this exercise is done with your back on the floor with a stability ball underneath the lower legs and the feet. You then press your hips off the floor to form a straight line. Then, press the lower legs and feet into the ball to achieve stability. You, then, need to pull your heels toward your butt using your hamstring. Finally, return to the straight body position you started with.
  • Split squat – you will need a bench or an elevated surface to do this exercise. Also known as the Bulgarian split squat, this exercise starts with you splitting your stance and facing away from the bench. You need to place the top of your left foot on the top of the bench or elevated surface. The right leg, on the other hand, needs to be in a lunge position. Then, lunge with the right leg while keeping your core tight and keeping your chest up. If the right thigh is not parallel with the ground, there might be a need for you to adjust to achieve proper posture.
  • Lateral lunge – this workout targets the inner and outer thighs, thus making it easier to get rid of the problem that’s common in these areas. It starts with you standing with the feet apart and the arms by your sides. Next, take a big step to the side starting with the right leg. You need to bend your knee and pretend like you are sitting back on a chair. The fourth step involves you checking for posture. This exercise demands that your chest be up and your butt back and down. Lastly, return to the starting position by pushing using the right leg.
  • Step up with reverse lunge – you need a bench to do this exercise. It starts with you standing about a foot or two from the bench. Then, the right foot should be stepped onto the bench pushing through the heel. Next, drive the left knee upwards once the right foot touches the bench or elevated ground. The third step is to lower the left leg down, stepping backward off the bench to the position where you started. Once the left foot reaches the floor, it is the time for the right leg to lunge backward.


Ways to Treat Cellulite

Modern medicine offers a lot of options to address this condition. People who want this skin issue gone can opt for either topical treatment or medical procedures.

Topical treatments for this condition promises to tighten the skin where the depressed skin fold is visible.

Additionally, they add moisture to really ensure that no lumps or scars will develop in the area where the topical treatment was applied.




Caffeine is the most common ingredient in these topical treatments.

It is the preferred ingredient as it is proven to increase blood flow to the area where the skin fold is developing.

It also comes with the ability to change the water content of fat. This causes the close disappearance of the skin condition.

However, recent studies raised doubts over the long term impact of using a topical treatment to address this condition.

But a 2011 study revealed that the combination of topical treatment and good eating habits helped in getting rid of the problem.

In terms of surgical options, there are several choices for you:

  • Ultrasound – it is a non-invasive procedure that targets fat stored in your abdomen and thighs. It makes use of sound waves in order to achieve your goal with two to three months of treatment. Physicians usually recommend that those undergoing ultrasound treatment combine it with another treatment.
  • Cryolipolysis – it is also a non-invasive treatment for this skin condition. It removes unwanted skin depression by body fat underneath the affected skin. The freezing breaks down the fat cells so that it could be absorbed in other parts of the body. This treatment usually takes about three to four months to see changes in your skin.
  • Acoustic wave therapy – it is a treatment developed particularly as a relief for this skin condition. It addresses your skin problem by vibrating the connective tissue in areas where there is already signs of appearance. This procedure also helps in stimulating the production of collagen. Thus it helps improve skin appearance, texture and elasticity.
  • Laser and radiofrequency therapy – this treatment option makes use of diode laser energy, infrared light and radiofrequency technology to address your skin issue. The aforementioned technologies burn and break up the tough bands underneath the skin that contributes to its development. Treatment using this method can last up to six months before seeing any changes.
  • Cellfina – a nonsurgical procedure, it is a method that makes use of a needle to break up bands under the skin to lessen your chances of further developing the issue. It is the treatment with the fastest period to notice changes in your skin. Some patients who underwent this procedure were able to see a difference just within three days of treatment.


Final Thoughts

While cellulite is not a major health condition, it can still impact your overall health.

It might affect how you perceive yourself, your mental health, and even how your body functions.

This skin condition is more commonly found among women. It is because their bodies produce more estrogen compared to men.

It is also commonly diagnosed among people who have weak or slow blood flow and those who are suffering from conditions that decrease collagen production.

Keeping hydrated, eating right, and maintaining an active lifestyle are some of the ways for you to keep this skin condition at bay.

There are various exercises and foods that are recommended to include in your everyday life.

After knowing all those, there is no need to panic. Cellulite can easily be remedied by yourself.

But it is better to deal with this condition with the assistance of a medical professional.

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